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Handle your business Facebook conversations from the SoftNash account.

The Facebook messenger integration adds new features to your account. Thanks to this messaging channel you can:

Facebook messenger is the key to communicating with billions of people all around the world. Integrate it with SoftNash to create a convenient, two-way communication channel with your customers and reach them where they communicate the most.

Facebook messaging is an excellent way to provide a more customized experience than is possible through other channels.

When a Facebook user visits your page, he will appreciate the ability to contact you with a single click.

Additionally, having your agents respond to Facebook messages is incredibly efficient. In contrast to phone conversations, agents can manage many Facebook inquiries at the same time. 

Facebook messaging
Facebook messenger

Why Facebook Messaging at SoftNash?

Our Facebook integration is built-in and designed by the SoftNash team. It doesn’t require any extra payment. To connect the business Facebook messenger to your account, please start a free trial or request a demo.

Facebook messaging is an excellent way to provide a more customized experience than is possible through other channels.

When a Facebook user visits your page, he will appreciate the ability to contact you with a single click.

Additionally, having your agents respond to Facebook messages is incredibly efficient. In contrast to phone conversations, agents can manage many Facebook inquiries at the same time. 


Discover more support channels.

Speak directly with customers to deliver personalized answers to the questions anytime.
Craft and send targeted texts to tens, hundreds, thousands, or even millions of customers.
Easily create emails to provide all your customers with timely responses.

What our clients say about SoftNash.

Our incoming phone calls and time spent on phones answering basic questions have decreased by 1/3. This is great. It allows our staff to be more productive in doing the on-shift tasks and be able to address in-person situations to supervisors.
We have been using SoftNash for a few months already, most of all live chat functionality, automated campaigns, and SMS campaigns. The system is really user-friendly and works well for our outbound campaigns. The customer service team is doing a great job, they set us up and did training sessions, our agents felt comfortable using the system. I truly recommend SoftNash, as, besides the advanced functionality and good support, it's cheap enough.
SoftNash Customer Service is great! They were so helpful once addressing any questions or issues. The service is great and this is exactly what we were looking for. The software is easy to set up.